



  Lohengrin, The Knight of Swan. Once save the Princess Elsa of brabant from Frederick of Telramund who accused Lisa of murdering her brother, Gottfried. Actually Gotifried was poisoned by Telrarmund's wife, Ortrud, and became a swan. Later, Lohengrin defeated Telrarmund in a fight to prove Elsa sinnocence. With the King's promise. Lohengrin would marry Elsa on the condition that she never seeked to know who he was. And where he came from. By instilling the poison of doubt into Elsa's mind. Ortrude made Elsa break her promise and questioned to Lohengrin. So the Swan-boat carried Lohengrin back to the Grail castle.


  Elsa : Gottfried, stop playing any more. It is time to study.

  Gottfried: Ok. My dear elder sister. I'll come back soon. (Elsa retired. Ortrud enters).

  Ortrud: Hi, Gottfried, are you playing alone?

  Gottfried: What's matter with you?

  Ortrud: This is a special drink. Would you like to drink?

  Gottfried: How wonderful. Let me try, please. Mnnn, it is delicious. I feel something wrong.

  Ortrud: (She pretends to be nervous.) You look serious.

  Gottfried: Oh, my head...my hand...my leg....(He falls down.)

  Ortrud: Ha, ha, ha. You stupid child. When you wake up, you will be a swan. Then I'll accuse Elsa of the murder of her brother. All the fortune is mine.(Ortrud retires. Swan dances.)

  Elsa: Gottfried, Gottfried, where are you? Don't play tricks.

  Maiden: Princess, we cannot find Little Prince. What should we do?

  Elsa: I don't know. I'm worried about his safety.

  Maiden: Prince, don't worry. I'm sure that Little Prince will be safe and sound.

  Elsa: I hope so.


  Telramund Your Majesty, what are you looking at?

  King I am looking at the beautiful scene. Telramund, who is the landlord here?

  Telramund Duke Brabant, the landlord, died a few years ago. He had a daughter and a son, Elsa and Gottfried. A few days ago, something happened terrible.

  Ortrud The greedy sister, Elsa, murdered his younger brother for the fortune and the kingdom of the Brabant. What a shame!

  Queen Maybe it is a rumor.

  King Telramund, is it true? Tell Elsa I want to see her.

  Herald Princess Elsa arrives.

  King Elsa, are you the daughter of Duke Brabrant?

  Elsa Yes, your Majesty.

  King Did you murder your brother Gottfried for his forture and kingdom?

  Elsa I am aware of the accusation brought against me. How could I murder my brother?

  Telramund Elsa, how do you prove you are innocent?

  Queen Be quiet. Let her prove it herself.

  Maiden Princess Elsa, speak.

  Elsa God knows I am innocent. The Knight of God will come to prove it in the midnight.

  Ortrud Do you think the Knight of God will come for you, evil girl?

  Telramund Should he come, I'll fight with him.

  King Ok. If the Knight of God comes in the midnight, Telramund will fight with him. (All retired. Elsa prays in the midnight.)

  (In a court)

  Herald Your Majesty, a person outside calls himself the Swan Knight. He wants to see you.

  King Bring him in.

  Lohengrin Here I am, Your Majesty. I come here to prove Elsa innocent.

  King Under the name of God, I announce the fighting begins.

  Herald Gentlemen, the fighting begins.

  (They fight and Telramund gets hurts.)

  King I claim that the Knight wins. Elsa is innocent. Telramund is condemned to execution.

  Elsa My dear Knight, thanks for helping me.

  Lohengrin Dear Princess, you are rich in beauty. Every night I dream of you. From the first day I saw your smile face, I knew that we would be together forever. Are you willing to marry me? (Music arises.) But for some reason don't ask me what my name is.

  Elsa Well, yes. I will never to know who you are. , as long as you love me. I will marry you and serve you forever.

  Act III

  (Elsa is reading in a room when Ortrud enters.)

  Ortrud Let me put the poison of doubt into Elsa's mind. Elsa, where is your dear Protector? Will you like to know who he is and where he comes from?

  Maiden Princess, don't break down your faith.

  Ortrud Poor girl, your Knight is cheating you. To tell the truth, if he lcves you, he will tell you his name and everything about him.

  Elsa It sounds right. Why doesn't he tell me?

  (Ortrud and the maiden retire.)

  Lohengrin Dear Princess, I am beloved and loved again, like bewitched by the charm of looks. Princess, what are you thinking about?

  Elsa As far as I know, every lover knows each other deeply. Won't you please tell me who you are?

  Lohengrin Dear Princess, you break your promise not to ask me what my name is. Now I must leave.

  (Teiramund rushes out and gets killed.)

  Elsa Believe me, my love. I don't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me.

  Lohengrin: Parting is such sweet sorrow. Before I leave, I'll do one thing for you. (Swan dances, then Gottfreid appears).

  Elsa Lohengrin, Lohengrin, please don't go.

  Lohengrin Farewell, Princess. So long as I live in the world, I'll love you forever.

  Elsa Lohengrin, Lohengrin....(Lohengrin retires.) Why don't you listen to my explanation? Why don't you forgive me? Everything is too late. (Elsa kills herself.)

  (Gottfried rises slowly from the back.)

  Gottfried Elsa, Elsa. Wake up. I am back. Elsa, Elsa. (He cries loudly.)

  The End



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