音乐剧 狮子王 剧本

  mufasa: {seeing his son's impatience} okay, okay. i'm up. i'm up.

  simba: yeah!

  {mufasa yawns a well-recorded lion yawn. mufasa and sarabi follow simba up to the top of pride rock. simba rubs up against sarabi; she nudges him ahead and stays behind. departing shot of her, with a loving expression. the sunrise illuminates the top of pride rock impressively. both simba and mufasa are on the point. cue music.}

  mufasa: look, simba. everything the light touches is our kingdom.

  simba: wow.

  {the camera revolves around them, during mufasa's speech, from a reverse view to a frontal shot.}

  mufasa: a king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. one day, simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king.

  simba: and this will all be mine?

  mufasa: everything.

  simba: everything the light touches. {simba looks all around. he views the rip-rap canyon to the north} what about that shadowy place?

  mufasa: that's beyond our borders. you must never go there, simba.

  simba: but i thought a king can do whatever he wants.

  mufasa: oh, there's more to being king than... getting your way all the time.

  {mufasa starts back down the rock}

  simba: {awed} there's more?

  mufasa: {chuckles} simba...

  {camera switch. mufasa and simba are out walking on the savannah.}

  mufasa: everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. as king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures-- from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.

  simba: but, dad, don't we eat the antelope?

  mufasa: yes, simba, but let me explain. when we die, our bodies become the grass. and the antelope eat the grass. and so we are all connected in the great circle of life.

  zazu: {lights on a nearby rock} good morning, sire!

  mufasa: good morning, zazu.

  zazu: checking in... with the morning report.

  mufasa: fire away.

  zazu: well! the buzz from the bees is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot...

  {zazu's speech will continue through without stop. simba's and mufasa's conversation is the focus.}

  mufasa: {distracted} oh, really?

  {simba, uninterested in zazu, pounces at a grasshopper and misses}

  zazu: {continuing, not noticing mufasa's lack of enthusiasm} ... and the baboons are going ape over this. of course, the giraffes are acting like they're above it all...

  mufasa: {to simba} what are you doing, son?

  simba: {disappointedly looking in his empty paws} pouncing.

  mufasa: let an old pro show you how it's done.

  zazu: ...the tick birds are pecking on the elephants. i told the elephants to forget it, but they can't...

  mufasa: zazu, would you turn around?

  zazu: yes, sire.{continuing immediately} the cheetahs are hard up, but i always say ...

  mufasa: {whispering} stay low to the ground.

  zazu: cheetahs never prosper...

  simba: {whispering} okay, stay low to the ground, right... yeah...

  zazu: {realizing something is amiss} what going on?

  mufasa: a pouncing lesson.

  zazu: oh very good. pouncing. {realizing} pouncing!?! oh no, sire, you can't be serious...

  {mufasa motions for zazu to turn back around.}

  zazu: oh... this is so humiliating.

  mufasa: {still whispering} try not to make a sound.

  zazu: what are you telling him, mufasa? {looking around uneasily-- simba and mufasa seem to have disappeared.} mufasa? simba?

  {simba does a full pounce leaving zazu stunned on the ground}

  mufasa: ha ha ha ha ha. that's very good. ha ha ha...

  {a gopher emerges under zazu.}

  gopher: zazu!

  zazu: {exasperated} yes?

  gopher: {saluting} sir. news from the underground.

  mufasa: {to simba} now, this time--

  zazu: {interrupting and with urgency} sire! hyenas! in the pride lands!

  mufasa: {serious now} zazu, take simba home.

  simba: oh, dad, can't i come?

  mufasa: {curtly} no, son.

  {mufasa heads off at a full gallop}

  simba: i never get to go anywhere.

  zazu: oh, young master, one day you will be king; then you can chase those slobbering mangy stupid poachers from dawn until dusk.

  {they head off. camera pulls back to wide view of savannah.}

  [scar tricks simba scene]

  {camera change to scar on his overhanging rock ledge. we see scar pace once and kick an old bone off the edge.}

  {enter simba}

  simba: hey uncle scar! guess what!

  scar: i despise guessing games.

  simba: i'm going to be king of pride rock.

  scar: {sarcastically} oh goody

  simba: {looking out over the edge of the rock} my dad just showed me the whole kingdom; {greedily} and i'm going to rule it all. heh heh.

  scar: yes. well... forgive me for not leaping for joy. bad back, you know.

  {scar flops down on his side.}

  simba: hey, uncle scar? when i'm king, what will that make you?

  scar: a monkey's uncle.

  simba: heh heh. you're so weird.

  scar: you have no idea. ...so, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?

  simba: everything.

  scar: he didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northern border...?

  simba: {disappointed} well, no... he said i can't go there.

  scar: and he's absolutely right. it's far too dangerous. only the bravest lions go there.

  simba: well, i'm brave! what's out th--

  scar: {interrupting} no, i'm sorry, simba, i just can't tell you.

  simba: why not?

  scar: simba, simba, i'm only looking out for the well- being of my favorite nephew.



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